
Adoption of a No Purchase Order (PO), No Payment policy at Queen Margaret University

Queen Margaret University (QMU) is adopting a No Purchase Order (PO), No Payment policy from 7th April 2025. The No PO, No Pay policy applies uniformly to all suppliers and contractors providing goods, services, or works to the University.

From 7th April 2025 onwards all invoices received from suppliers and contractors must quote a valid purchase order (PO) number generated from the University’s finance system. PO numbers must be in place prior to delivery of goods, services or works.

Please read our No PO, No Pay FAQs below for more detail.

Why have we implemented this?

A No PO, No Pay policy ensures that the University only pays for goods, services and works which have been properly ordered and authorised. It also ensures invoices received by the Finance team can be processed efficiently to minimise delay of payment to suppliers and contractors. Invoices received by the Finance team without a valid PO number will not be accepted and will be returned to the supplier. 

What are the benefits?

Quoting a valid PO number on invoices facilitates their prompt payment to suppliers and contractors in accordance with the relevant payment terms. 

What you need to do as a supplier or contractor

If you are a supplier or contractor to the University, please ensure you have received a valid QMU PO number prior to providing goods, services, or works to the University. A valid QMU purchase order number is 8 digits long and starts with the number 3.

Verbal authorisation from staff to commence work should not be accepted by suppliers. 

Invoices should be emailed to invoices@qmu.ac.uk quoting a valid QMU PO number. Invoices received with a valid QMU PO number will then be paid in line with agreed contract terms. Please refer to our further Guidance on Submitting Invoices.

Any invoices without a valid QMU PO number will be returned to you and therefore may delay payment.

What is a valid QMU PO number?

Valid QMU PO number is 8 digits long and starts with the number 3.

Valid POs from the University’s finance system are sent to suppliers/contractors electronically by email.

I’m a Supplier. What should I do if I don’t receive a PO?

If you receive an order for goods, services or work from a member of University staff without a valid QMU PO number, you should ask the member of staff to provide one before providing goods, services, or works to the University. Valid QMU PO numbers are 8 digits long and start with the number 3. 

Where should invoices be sent for payment?

Invoices quoting a valid QMU PO number should be sent to our dedicated mailbox invoices@qmu.ac.uk. Please refer to our further Guidance on Submitting Invoices.

Invoices should not be sent directly to QMU staff or this will result in a delay to processing for payment. 

What should I do if I didn't receive a PO number and the invoice is returned to me?

You should contact the member of staff who gave the original instruction to supply the goods, services or works and ask them to provide a valid PO number.

When a valid PO number is obtained you should submit your invoice quoting the valid QMU PO number to the invoices@qmu.ac.uk mailbox. Please refer to our further Guidance on Submitting Invoices.

Who should I contact if I have any queries about No PO, No Pay?

If you have any further queries regarding this policy, please contact the Finance Department on 0131 474 0000.