
Statements of Comprehensive Income and Expenditure

For the Year Ended 31 July 2024

Statement of Comprehensive Income and Expenditure for the Year Ended 31 July 2024
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Income Note











Tuition fees and education contracts

1 19,839 18,168 19,839 18,168

Scottish Funding Council grants

2 22,429 22,204 22,429 22,204

Research grants and contracts

3 1,877 2,015 1,873 2,006

Other operating income

4 7,577 7,321 7,459 7,087

Investment income

5 2,132 998 2,093 980

Donations and endowments

6 272 410 272 410

Total Income

  54,126 51,117 53,966 50,856






Staff costs

7 32,100 29,920 32,065 29,814

USS pension unwind

(1,934)    (1,934)   

Other operating expenses

10 14,298 14,823 14,173 14,668

Depreciation /  Amortisation

11,12 5,805 5,405 5,805 5,405

Interest and other finance costs

8 732 807 732 807

Total Expenditure

  51,002 50,955 50,841 50,694

Operating Surplus / (deficit) for the year

  3,125 162 3,125 162

Gain/(loss) on disposal of tangible assets


Surplus / (deficit) before tax

  3,125  162  3,125  162 



Surplus / (deficit) for the year

  3,125  162  3,125  162 

Unrealised surplus on revaluation of land and buildings

  2,087  8,009  2,087  8,009 

Actuarial (loss) / gain in respect of Pension Schemes

  (869) 15,454 (869) 15,454

Total comprehensive income for the year

  4,343 23,625 4,343 23,625

Represented by:-


Endowment comprehensive income for the year


(21)  (67)  (21)  (67) 

Unrestricted comprehensive income for the year


2,276  15,683  2,276  15,683 
Revaluation reserve comprehensive income for the year   2,087  8,009  2,087  8,009 
    4,343  23,625  4,343  23,625 

All items of income and expenditure relate to continuing activities.

The accompanying notes and policies on pages 40 to 56 form part of these financial statements.